mercoledì 10 dicembre 2008

Thinking about new features...

Hi there!
I'm just thinking about some new features for the next version of .:OsUp:. .
Any suggestion or request? Features, cards support (not R4 clones, please) and so on...

Looking forward to hearing from you...

11 commenti:

  1. Can you make some kind of thing to update Yasu's custom firmware for the DS?

  2. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  3. Yasu doesn't want that anyone distribute his menu "ready to use". However I think it's a good idea (even because now that the R4 team is dead it can replace the official firmware). I've send an email to Yasu right now...Now I've to wait for a reply ;)

    Stay tuned!


  4. Great!
    I think this would really help people out.

  5. Hey why dont you put card support for M3DS Real

  6. A lot of people ask me for the M3 Real support...I think to add it in the next releases ;)

    Stay tuned!


  7. It would be nice if it could show your currently installed version of OsUp and the cards OS - so you can see if an update is needed.

  8. i like what gnj. I am xxRage from gbatemp, i wouldn't know if you remember me, I pointed out that your cyclods update was out of date. I know of several people who have cyclods problems and are forced to degrade in many cases (all the way to 1.41) so just a though, you should try to see if you can upload other versions for people to downgrade with.

  9. @gnj: it could be nice to check the version of the OS and of OsUp itself to control if an update is request...As soon as it is possible, I'll try to do it ;)

    @xxRage: Yes, I remember....I remember all... xD I've read something about that problem...yes, I can try to do it, but I need to be informed in real time for eventual new bad OS release, so it could not be so easy.


  10. I check the website once or twice a day for updates. I'd be glad to help with anything concerning cyclods.

  11. Ok, thank you a lot for your helpfulness! ^_^

